Dell Refurbished Website

Pandemic Laptop Prices Surge 100%!

Since the pandemic began, laptop and computer prices have increased sharply. The pandemic impacted manufacturing and supply. With more people working from home, and going to school from home, demand is up, and so are prices! 📈

Shopping Black Friday and Boxing Day sales at the end of 2019, and the beginning of 2020, we were able to acquire new, nicely equipped 14″ laptops, with a docking station, for about $725. After the pandemic lock-downs began, and people started working from home, that same laptop, without the docking station, was selling for a ‘sale’ price of $1,300. If you included the docking station, the new ‘sale’ price (not even the regular price) of that laptop was double what it was a few months earlier.

Budget conscious buyers sometimes turn to the refurbished computer market for value. Some of my favorite sites for refurbished computers are Dell Refurbished Canada and Best Buy Canada. While still worth a look, refurbished prices have increased to the extent that new computers can be a better value when considering hardware performance, features, product lifespan and warranty.

One of the client services Verix offers is helping navigate the confusing array of choices, options and products, both in the new and refurbished market. Rather than marking-up hardware resales, Verix helps clients acquire hardware at cost. This avoids a conflict of interest on hardware purchases and recommendations. We research, recommend and procure on behalf of clients, on a consulting basis. Let us take the hassle and complexity out of this, so you can focus on your business.

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